What is Custom Hosting

What is Custom Hosting

What is Custom Hosting?

For those who already understand what hosting is, in the context of website and website development and email services, adding to the a concept of making it customisable is simple to grasp.

If you are not sure what Hosting is then you can read this article: https://idshosting.co.za/what-is-hosting/ 

Hosting is made up of a number of components or facilities, these facilities change from package to package and hosting companies.

One feature for example is the space allocated to a hosting package, this is a very important one if not the most important. Let's say we have 3 packages, a 1Gb, 3Gb and 5Gb. You can then decide what package you want, but each package is usually quite static, so the 1Gb package may offer 5 email accounts, 3Gb may offer 10 email accounts etc.

What if you want lots of space but only need 2 email accounts, you will buy the 5Gb package that offers say 30 email accounts, so you are really paying for features that you do not want and is costing you more.

Custom Hosting is a way around the static hosting package offering a single package that can be what you want it to be.

You decide what you want and how much of it you want. 

For your convenience we have created 2 Custom Hosting packages based on space rangers:

These are the hosting features that can be ‘dialed in’ to whatever you want: 

For Custom Hosting Regular:

  • Disk Space: 1 to 10Gb.
  • Databases: 0 to 10
  • FTP accounts: 0 to 5
  • Email accounts: 0 to 100
  • Subdomains: 0 to 20 
  • Parked/Alias domains: 0 to 20
  • Addon domains: 0 to 20.
  • Shell access: yes or no
  • Dedicated IP: yes or no

For Custom Hosting Business:

  • Disk Space: 20 to 100Gb.
  • Bandwidth: 100Gb to 300Gb.
  • Databases: 0 to 100
  • FTP accounts: 0 to 100
  • Email accounts: 0 to 1000
  • Subdomains: 0 to 200
  • Parked/Alias domains: 0 to 200
  • Addon domains: 0 to 200
  • Shell access: yes or no
  • Dedicated IP: yes or no

Not only is Custom Hosting cost effective as the cost of the package is what is required, but the R/Gb cost is also much less than the standard shared hosting packages. 

Once your package is operational it's just as simple to upgrade or downgrade its features by logging into the IDS client area, select the service and proceed to the upgrade/downgrade link, here you can make changes to the features listed above.

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