Essential Steps to Enhance Your WordPress Website Security
19 May, 2023
Essential Steps to Enhance Your WordPress Website Security

Introduction WordPress is a widely used content management system, powering 43% of all websites. With its popularity comes the attention of hackers who target WordPress sites. To ensure the security of your WordPress website, it is crucial to take proactive measures and keep your site updated. In this guide, we will provide you with non-technical […]

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5 October, 2022
Emails - What are my options

Most people I think will say an email is just an email is just an email …. however the email system/servers are quite complex, and sending an email to a recipient through the various filters and firewalls trying to remove unwanted SPAM in itself is quite a feat.  We would like to focus on what […]

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5 October, 2022
Independent DNS?

Why is it better to use an independent DNS? If you are reading this article you probably know what a DNS is. Here is a brief reminder. One of the functions of DNS - Domain Name System is an interface between us humans' way of doing things and the machine and its way of doing […]

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4 October, 2022
What is Custom Hosting

What is Custom Hosting? For those who already understand what hosting is, in the context of website and website development and email services, adding to the a concept of making it customisable is simple to grasp. If you are not sure what Hosting is then you can read this article:  Hosting is made up […]

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2 June, 2021
Email Backup or Email Archive

The question would be if you are reading this is do I Backup or Archive or both? To answer the question we need to know what is an Email Backup and What is an Email Archive? What is an Email Backup? Email backup is designed to be a short to medium term fail safe to […]

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6 November, 2020
Email Archiving

With 3.5millions emails sent every second of every day, there must be something good about it. Emails are becoming an extremely valuable source of information and as a result it should be stored safely be searchable and not cost a lot of money.

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15 October, 2020
What is WordPress?

It is software that is used to publish blog websites! Its very good software, open sourced thus cost effective and extremely flexible to do more than just blogs (web logs). WordPress although best suited for blog websites, can be easily configure to be used for more traditional websites with many pages and a full menu […]

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2 October, 2020
Why Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting in today's world is a completely different 'animal' to what is was a few years back. Many in the industry who hear of this type of hosting today still believes it to be inferior. It might have been before, but with the advance made in server power, lowering machine cost, greatly improved software and […]

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14 March, 2020
Introduction to Business Hosting

When you are ready to select a Hosting Package for a Website or embark on a Website Project, there are a number of key issues to look at. One can draw up a pretty complicated flow diagrams to direct you through the process. From our experience most people seem to jump in the deep end […]

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15 July, 2019
Email only Hosting Packages

IDS Hosting has a great product for anyone who just wants an email facility and no web site hosting. You will have full Control Panel access to: So how do I go about setting up an email account with IDS hosting? How much does it cost? View the latest prices on our website under Hosting […]

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21 February, 2019
How to Start a New Website

To start a new web site there are quite a few questions you need to ask yourself. Here are a few: Each one of these points is a complete study on its own, and volumes can be written about them. We will touch on each to help give you some ideas: Do I really need […]

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7 January, 2019
Internet Domains and How They Work

What are my domain name extension options in South Africa? There are a few options for South Africa with respect to Domain choices.The domain you select can have an impact on your web site. The Domain extension is supposed to give more information on the purpose of the website it is linked to. A […]

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29 November, 2018
What is Hosting?

This question is asked many thousands of times on Google PER MONTH. So it makes sense to answer it ……. This term can be used in a few disciplines, Internet have adopted it as well. Its in the IT world that we will discuss HOSTING briefly. As a HOSTING company its very important to our clients that […]

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3 August, 2018
FAQ Hosting

We would like to answer a few HOSTING questions that we are asked frequently and that are asked very frequently on most search engines: These questions are asked thousands of times a day on search engines, we will give short simple answers to help you on your road to a better internet experience: The questions […]

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3 February, 2018
Designing A Website

When faced with the challenge of setting up a new website what’s the first thing one generally thinks of? The look of the website! And so we set off to create a look and feel, then we start filling it with info, normally adding pages as we create until we feel enough has been said […]

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